June 2018
Presentation of the SFB/TRR 219 during the 13th “Long Night of Science” at the Saarland University Medical Faculty.
Every year, the Saarland University Medical Faculty and the Saarland University Hospital Homburg/Saar are organizing a “Long Night of Science” to present science and medical care to the general public. This year, presentation of the newly funded SFB/TRR 219 was an important element. In the lobby of the department for internal medicine, interested visitors had the opportunity to learn more of our SFB. Under expert guidance, visitors could walk through accessible larger-than-life heart and kidney models. Moreover, cardiovascular risk factor status could have been assessed with blood pressure measurements, ultrasound scans of carotid arteries and kidneys, which was very well received by the visitors. Such an event is a great opportunity to present our SFB to the general public.