26 April 2018
On the 26th of April 2018, the Girls’ Day took place for the first time at the Institute for Molecular Cardiovascular Research (IMCAR), University Clinic Aachen. Doaa Mohammed (14), the girl who got elected for this day, got the opportunity to get an insight into the field of basic biomedical research. She was supervised by PhD student Christian Hemmers, who showed her the laboratory and explained different techniques used in biomedical research, but was also there to answer questions related to future careers in biomedical research. All these information should give Doaa the opportunity to get an idea how a job in this field could look like.

This Girls’ Day was organized as a joint effort of the Consortium SFB/TRR219 funded by the German Research Foundation, and of the European Marie Skłodowska-Curie ITN projects CaReSyAn and INTRICARE, which received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 764474 and 722609, respectively
